AiLens Package
This extension is designed to programme and drive the AiLens.
The AI Lens is able to achieve the functions of face recognition, balls tracking, cards recognition and characteristics acquisition.
Get Product
You can get AiLens from the Elecfreaks store
Use Tutorial
You can get a detailed tutorial on how to use it here ELECFREAKS WIKI
- Initialize AI Lens and wait for AIlens to upload IIC data
- Switch ailens function, including, card, ball, color, line inspection, feature learning
- Get the data of current frame from ailens
- Process the data of small ball in the screen (if the screen contains small ball and the function is selected as small ball)
PlanetX_AILens.checkBall() PlanetX_AILens.ballColor(PlanetX_AILens.ballColorList.Red) PlanetX_AILens.BallTotalNum() PlanetX_AILens.ballData(PlanetX_AILens.Ballstatus.X)
- Process the data of face in the picture (if the picture contains face and the function is face)
PlanetX_AILens.checkFace() PlanetX_AILens.faceTotalNum() PlanetX_AILens.faceData(PlanetX_AILens.Facestatus.X)
- Process the card data in the screen (if the screen contains cards and the function is selected as card)
PlanetX_AILens.numberCard(numberCards.1) PlanetX_AILens.letterCard(letterCards.A) PlanetX_AILens.trafficCard(trafficCards.forward) PlanetX_AILens.otherCard( PlanetX_AILens.cardTotalNum() PlanetX_AILens.CardData(Cardstatus.X)
- Process the data of line segments in the screen (if the screen contains line segments and the function is tracking)
- Learn the characteristics of the object in the current picture, and record and save
- Remove all learned objects
- Deal with the confidence of the learned object in the picture
PlanetX_AILens.objectCheck(PlanetX_AILens.learnID.ID1) PlanetX_AILens.objectConfidence(PlanetX_AILens.learnID.ID1)
Supported targets
for PXT/microbit